aarons at-bats-12364
Ruth at bats 8399
Ruth 714 home runs
Ruth-1 hr every 11.76 ab
difference of 3965 at bats
3965/11.76= about 337
1051 home runs
that's if you assume he produces at his average, and doesn't decline, that's the best approximation that I could give you, because athletes decline in their later years.
yes hank aaron did. after hank aaron, barry bonds did. babe Ruth is now third.
Babe Ruth hada career batting average of .342, Hank Aaron .305, and Mark McGwire .263.
Hank Aaron is the person who broke Babe Ruth's record. Hank had hit 755 home runs in his career, while Babe Ruth had only hit 714 home runs in his career.
hank aaron
Hank Aaron hit more home-runs than anyone after Babe Ruth - and anybody before the 'steroids era' of baseball.
Yes he did
Dusty Baker
Babe Ruth died in 1948, long before Aaron played organized baseball. It's hard to say whether they would have been friends had they played at the same time, although Ruth's wild ways would probably have not endeared him to Hank's more serious approach to the game.
babe Ruth
Hank Aaron 715th Home RunHank Aaron hit home run number 715 in 1974, to break Babe Ruth's all time career home run record of 714. Hank Aaron would end his career with 755 home runs.
He used to hold the record for most homeruns before the all steroided up Barry Bonds took his place while playing for the Giants.
Babe Ruth is a very famous baseball player. The team he mainly played for is the New York Yankees. He had hit 714 home runs in his career. Only Hank Aaron broke his Babe's record. Hank Aaron had hit 755 home runs in his career.