He used to hold the record for most homeruns before the all steroided up Barry Bonds took his place while playing for the Giants.
Hank Aaron broke Babe Ruth's all time home run record. Babe Ruth had hit 714 home runs during his Baseball career. Barry Bonds beat Hank Aaron's record recently.
no, Lary Aaron is a son of Hank Aaron.
He is Hank Aaron's nephew.
What does Hank Aaron play?
Hank Aaron was older by about 5 years.
Hank Aaron batted and threw right-handed.
no, Lary Aaron is a son of Hank Aaron.
He is Hank Aaron's nephew.
What does Hank Aaron play?
Hank Aaron was from Mobile Alabama.
Hank Aaron's full name is Henry Louis Aaron.
Hammerin' Hank :) His name is Henry Aaron but we all called him Hank.
Hank Aaron is not dead he is 77
Hank Aaron was older by about 5 years.
Hank Aaron batted and threw right-handed.
Hammerin' Hank :) His name is Henry Aaron but we all called him Hank.
Hank Aaron had the nicknames: the Hammer, Hammerin' Hank, and Bad Henry.
Hank Aaron has five children (Gail, Dorinda, Ceci, Hank, Larry).