Ryan Giggs has played 921 times for Manchester United up to the present time, which is a club record. He has also scored in every single Premier League season to date, and has won more medals than any other PL player.
Ryan giggs
Ryan Giggs
Ryan Giggs
Ryan Giggs has been with Manchester United for 25 years
Ryan Giggs, the welsh player who played for Manchester United, has played the most CHampions League games. He has played 141 champions league games.
ryan giggs with 915 appearances for manchester united
With Ryan Giggs, Man U have won 2 champions league title.
Ryan Giggs the Welsh and Manchester United winger has played over 100 champion league games for Manchester United.
ryan giggs manchester united
As he has played only for Manchester United, so he has scored most goals for Manchester United,
Ryan Giggs from Manchester United has