All markers are made to be adjustable but it can shoot anywhere from around 150fps to above 300fps (NEVER shoot over 300fps, it is a danger to players)
The Marksman repeater is rated at 200 FPS.
All paintball guns shoot between 280 and 300 fps.
About 90 yrds.
Almost all paintball guns will shoot 300 fps.
anywhere from 250 FPS to 600 FPS, depending on the model.
No such thing as an average speed- varies greatly by caliber. I have some firearms that shoot at 830 FPS, and some that shoot at 4000 FPS.
Thy spyder agressor and alpha black have very different internal parts and are ergonomically different. While The tippmann marker is a cast aluminum, split receiver, the spyder is milled aluminum, with parts that unscrew from the back. They will both shoot 300 fps at about the same rate without modification. The spyder has no forward grip and is a centerfeed (hopper is in the center). The Alpha black is larger with a handguard.
400 fps
shoot a lighter pellet.
In U.K, the paintball fields set them at 270 FPS, but when you buy the gun it should be around 300 FPS, you can buy chrongraphs for $10-20 to test the FPS,
It depends on what you are comparing it with.
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