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There is no limit to the amount of defensive specialists a team can have.

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Q: How many defensive specialists can one volleyball team have?
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How many defensive specialists do you have on a team?

Doesn't matter, as long as you have more 3.

Who is the player who speacializes in defensive skills of the game of volleyball?

d.s defensive specalist also known as libero or middle back

How many players are on a regular volleyball team?

There are 6 players on a regular volleyball team

What is a labarrow in volleyball?

A libero is a defensive specialist. They usually wear a different color from the rest of their team. They can not play in the front row and do not have to sub in and out.

What are the girls who wear different color jerseys on the volleyball team?

She is the Libero (sp?) She plays only plays back row.

In a regulation game of volleyball how many players are on one team?

6 player are all that can be on the court at one time, although at the proffeconal level, every person needs a substatute.2 setters2 outside hitters2 opposite hitters2 middles1 libero2 defensive specalists

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How many trainers are in a volleyball team?

1 or 2

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How many players compete on a team in an indoor volleyball team during a game?

there is 6 on a team

How many players does a team of volleyball team has?

There can be anywhere from 6 to 15 people on a volleyball team. It really depends. There are only 6 that play on the court at one time though.

How many people on a vollybal team?

volleyball.6 players for an indoor volleyball team and 2 generally for outdoor or beach volleyball.Read more: How_many_players_form_an_official_volleyball_team