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In Baseball, this is when the batter has a 'count' of three balls and two strikes. It is called a full count because the batter cannot get another ball or strike without the at bat ending ... one more ball will cause a base on balls (walk) and one more strike will be a strikeout.

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17y ago
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15y ago

Yes, 3 Balls and 2 strikes is considered a "full count" meaning that the next strike you receive you are out (strike out) or the next ball you get you receive a walk (or 'bases on balls').

Foul balls don't count towards your strike total when you have 2 strikes, if you foul a ball off with 2 strikes you have to "do it again" and your count remains the same.

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16y ago

A full count in baseball is when the count is 3-2, three balls and two strikes. Four balls is a walk, in which the batter is awarded first base, and three strikes is an out. BPL

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12y ago

It is the same as in baseball. 3 balls and 2 strikes

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13y ago

In baseball when a batter has three balls and two strikes against him/her it is called a full count.

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10y ago


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10y ago

Two strikes, three balls.

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16y ago


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six...3 balls and 3 strikes, or 2 strikes and 4 balls.

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4 balls (non strikes).

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Get four balls than strikes....thats it!

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3 if you get two strikes or a spare. otherwise, only two.

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3 balls and two strikes. Depends on how many fowl tips as a variable. But number of day's I have no clue

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If there are two strikes, a foul ball no longer counts as a strike. In theory, a player could foul off balls forever and never be out. The unverified record is 22, but since the statistic is not kept, it is not confirmed.

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12 strikes one for each of the 10 frames and then 2 more strikes to complete the last frame 3 ball minimum 12 strikes

What is the batting average when the count is two ball and two strikes with two outs?

Balls and strikes do not constitute a player's batting average. A batting average is calculated according to how many hits a batter has made divided by how many at-bats he has. For instance, Ichiro Suzuki had 680 At-Bats in the 2010 season. Out of those At-Bats he pulled in 214 hits. 214 divided by 680 is .315 and that is how you figure out a player's batting average.

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There is one strike on the batter if the count is 2-1 That is something that shouldn't really be asked online that is obvious

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