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Balls and strikes do not constitute a player's batting average. A batting average is calculated according to how many hits a batter has made divided by how many at-bats he has.

For instance, Ichiro Suzuki had 680 At-Bats in the 2010 season. Out of those At-Bats he pulled in 214 hits. 214 divided by 680 is .315 and that is how you figure out a player's batting average.

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Q: What is the batting average when the count is two ball and two strikes with two outs?
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What is a hitters count?

A "hitter's count" is a baseball term that means the batter has more balls than strikes in the current at bat. A count of 2 balls and 0 strikes or 3 balls and 1 strike or 3 balls and 0 strikes would be considered a "hitter's count" and a count of 2 balls and 1 strike could also be considered a "hitter's count" because if the pitcher throws a ball on the next pitch the count goes to 3 balls and 1 strike and then one more ball allows the batter to reach first base on a base on balls. So the pitcher must throw a ball over the plate and should he make just the slightest of errors allowing the ball to cross, say, the middle of the plate at belt height, the batter may be able to hit it hard somewhere to get a base hit and start a rally or knock in a run or two should there be runners on base. When the count is 3 balls and 1 strike, for example, the batter does not have to swing at a pitch that he doesn't think he can hit hard because, if the pitch is called a strike, the batter still 'alive' and able to do damage on the next pitch. When the count favors the batter, the batter can be more selective in what pitch they decide to swing at. Just like there is a "hitter's count", there is a "pitcher's count". This would be when there are more strikes than balls (0 balls and 1 strike, 0 balls and 2 strikes, 1 ball and 2 strikes). This count allows the pitcher to not have to throw a strike on the next pitch since a ball will not put the batter on base or change the count to a "hitter's count". The pitcher may try to throw something like a curve ball that starts out over the plate and then curves off the plate in the hopes that the batter will be fooled and swing at the pitch, a pitch that the batter will not be able to hit hard even should he make contact. When the count is 1 ball and 2 strikes, for example, the pitcher does not have to throw a pitch that is a strike because, if the pitch is called a ball, the pitcher can throw a strike that is not over the middle of the plate on the next pitch to get the batter out. When the count favors the pitcher, the pitcher can be more selective in what pitch they throw and the location of that pitch.

In basketball on a made basket the count to inbound the ball starts when the ball is at the disposal of the throw in team when does an official start his 5 second count?

As soon as the player out of bounds has the ball in their hands. In cases where the ref has been waiting for a player to take the ball out of bound, they may lay the ball on the floor and begin to count.

What is the maximum number of pitches a batter can face in a single complete at-bat excluding foul balls?

A batter can have a full count of 2 and 3 and then get walked with ball nuber 4, so 6 pitches. However, consider the circumstance of a pitcher facing a batter with two outs and a runner on base. If the pitcher picks off a runner with the count full, the inning ends, and the same batter is up in the next inning with an empty count. Statistically, it is the same at bat, so the maximum number of pitches is in fact 11. 2 strikes and 3 balls in one inning, and either 3 strikes and 3 balls or 2 strikes and 4 balls to lead off the next inning.

At what point does the count start after a made basket to inbound the ball?

The count starts usually after the referree hands the person inbound passing the ball. This person has (5) seconds to get the ball inbound to another one of their team mates.

How many ways can you strike out in baseball?

the number a can very ... there are 27 outs to be made 3 shrikes to a batter ... that's 81 strikes before the game even starts ... that's not to count all the foul balls hit they count as a strike as well ... you done necessarily face only 27 batters some may get a hit which will push the amount of batter you have to face up ... same applies to a walk, error, hit by pitch and drop 3rd strike ... And, on the other hand, a pitcher could only throw 27 pitches, if every time a batter knocked a ball into play they were flyed out or grounded out; There could be no strikes.

Related questions

A foul ball is considered a?

A foul ball in a two strike count is nothing it count as a strike for the pitcher count but the count will stay the same and no out. In the case of a one strike count or a zero strike count, the fould ball is counted as a strike and the count will be a 1 strike difference. EX: 0 strikes turn into 1 strike 1 strike turn into 2 strikes 2 strikes stay at 2 strikes

How many balls and strikes in a full count?

In baseball, this is when the batter has a 'count' of three balls and two strikes. It is called a full count because the batter cannot get another ball or strike without the at bat ending ... one more ball will cause a base on balls (walk) and one more strike will be a strikeout.

What was the count when Hank Aaron hit his 715th home run?

1 ball and no strikes.

A batter tried to bunt with two strikes. the bat hit the ball twice. the ball lands fair and rolls foul. What is the call?

It's called a full count according to my grandpa.

Is foul ball counted as a strike?

It depends on how the game is being played. Most of the time, foul balls don't count as a strike; you can hit a ton of foul balls while you're up to bat and it won't matter. If you're playing a strict game of baseball, though, if you go up to bat and hit two foul balls, they count as strikes. Then, if you miss the ball or whatever, that would be your third strike. And you're out. :) Foul balls count as strikes when every the batter does not have two strikes, once a batter gets two strikes foul balls are no longer counted as strikes.

Batter has 2 strikes and 1 ball if he gets injured does the pinch batter take the same count or start over?

The pinch batter assumes the count that the original batter had.

What was Dallas Braden's pitch count in the perfect game?

109 ... 77 strikes and 32 balls. He got 14 fly ball outs, 7 ground ball outs, and 6 strikeouts.

How do you score 289 in 10 pin bowling?

One way to get a score of 289 in bowling is to spare the first frame, get strikes in frames 2 through 9, 2 strikes in the 10th frame and then a 9 count. Another way of getting it is by getting the first nine strikes, first in the tenth then a nine count and the pick up

What is a hitters count?

A "hitter's count" is a baseball term that means the batter has more balls than strikes in the current at bat. A count of 2 balls and 0 strikes or 3 balls and 1 strike or 3 balls and 0 strikes would be considered a "hitter's count" and a count of 2 balls and 1 strike could also be considered a "hitter's count" because if the pitcher throws a ball on the next pitch the count goes to 3 balls and 1 strike and then one more ball allows the batter to reach first base on a base on balls. So the pitcher must throw a ball over the plate and should he make just the slightest of errors allowing the ball to cross, say, the middle of the plate at belt height, the batter may be able to hit it hard somewhere to get a base hit and start a rally or knock in a run or two should there be runners on base. When the count is 3 balls and 1 strike, for example, the batter does not have to swing at a pitch that he doesn't think he can hit hard because, if the pitch is called a strike, the batter still 'alive' and able to do damage on the next pitch. When the count favors the batter, the batter can be more selective in what pitch they decide to swing at. Just like there is a "hitter's count", there is a "pitcher's count". This would be when there are more strikes than balls (0 balls and 1 strike, 0 balls and 2 strikes, 1 ball and 2 strikes). This count allows the pitcher to not have to throw a strike on the next pitch since a ball will not put the batter on base or change the count to a "hitter's count". The pitcher may try to throw something like a curve ball that starts out over the plate and then curves off the plate in the hopes that the batter will be fooled and swing at the pitch, a pitch that the batter will not be able to hit hard even should he make contact. When the count is 1 ball and 2 strikes, for example, the pitcher does not have to throw a pitch that is a strike because, if the pitch is called a ball, the pitcher can throw a strike that is not over the middle of the plate on the next pitch to get the batter out. When the count favors the pitcher, the pitcher can be more selective in what pitch they throw and the location of that pitch.

Can Batsman change the strike in no ball?

Why not, if they run for a run in no ball then their strikes are automatically changes. But if they are not running for a run in no ball then no chance of changing strikes.

Can a softball player get a strike if the ball is hit into false territory?

A foul can count as a strike if there is not two strikes. I f your fist pitch is a foul, that's strike one. If you get a strike first and then foul, that's strike two. Or if you gettwo fouls in a row with no strikes, that's strike one and two. If you have two strikes (no matter how you got them) you cannot strike out on a foul. So if you do foul in that situation, it does not count as anything and your pitch count remains the same.

What is the minimum pitches in a full count?

There is no minimum number of pitches for a full count, because theoretically the batter might foul off an unlimited number of pitches with two strikes on him before he gets ball three.