Sachin Tendulkar has played 6 world cups.He has also scored most runs in World Cup.
I think 40-41 matches
6 world cups -- 92, 96 ,99, 2003, 2007, 2011 (winning)
He played 4 world cups.
sachin has played in 177 tests.
Sachin played 5 world cups. 1. 1992 WC Australia & NZ, 1996 WC: India, Pak, sri lankh , 1999 WC : England 2003: South Africa , Zimbabwe & Kenya 2007 WC : west indies.
0 He never played in the 4 available cups he could have played in.
From 1994 the U.S.A have played four world cups. they will also be in 2010 world cup.
Ronildhino has played in two world cups, 2002, and 2006 world cups.