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Q: How many NFL centers are left handed?
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Have there ever been any black left handed quarterbacks in the nfl?

Yes, dog killer!

Why does left tackle make so much money?

One reason would be that most quarterbacks in the NFL are right handed. The left tackle is responsible for protecting the right handed quarterback's blind side on passing plays unless, of course, the QB is rolling left. Similarly, the right tackle protects the blind side of a left handed quarterback.

What players are left handed in the NFL?

Tim Tebow, Michael Vick, Matt Leinart. Steve Young was also a famous lefty quarterback.

How many left hand people are in the NFL?

Matt Leinart, Mark Brunell, Tim Tebow, Tyler Palko, Jared Lorenzen, Michael Vick, Chris Simms

When was the first fine that the NFL handed out?

$1 to a fat guy

How many positions are on the offensive line in the NFL?

An NFL offensive line consists of five linemen.CenterRight and Left GuardRight and Left Tackle

How much money do left tackles get paid in the NFL?

Because they are protecting the quarterback's blind side.

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There is limited data available on the current population of speartooth sharks. They are considered to be a critically endangered species, with estimates suggesting that there may only be a few hundred individuals left in the wild. Efforts are being made to monitor and conserve these rare sharks to prevent their extinction.

How many NFL stadiums have real grass?

there are 20 stadiums with natural grass left

Can any NFL Qb's throw the ball 100 yards?

No, Bobby Douglass had the strongest arm. It is said he could throw a ball 100 yards but never in a game. He was left handed and one hell of a runner

Who has the most receptions in a season in the NFL by a fullback?

Larry Centers with 101 for the 1995 Arizona Cardinals.

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266,492 US, NFL fields with some room left over.