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No, Bobby Douglass had the strongest arm. It is said he could throw a ball 100 yards but never in a game. He was left handed and one hell of a runner

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Q: Can any NFL Qb's throw the ball 100 yards?
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Could Walter Payton throw the ball 100 yards?

No running back in the history of the NFL could throw a football 100 yards.

How much experience is riqqired to be a ball boy for NFL?

Be able to throw 50 yards. run at leats a 5.3 in a 40.

How far can Peyton Manning throw?

NFL quarterbacks can throw the ball varying distances. Some quarterbacks with weaker arms can only throw the ball 60 yards or so, while others (like Raiders' QB Jamarcus Russell) can heave the pigskin in excess of 70 yards.

How far can the average NFL qb throw?

55 yards average

How many yards was the longest NFL pass completion?

100 yards

Could John Elway throw 120 yards?

Because distance thrown is not an official statistic kept by the NFL, the farthest throw in NFL history is anyone's guess. No quarterback is thought to be able to throw for more than 60 or 65 yards, however.

What is the longest throw for a pro football quarterback?

99-yards is the NFL record

How big is a NFL court?

100 yards by 40 yards but it is not a court but a field

How wide is an NFL football field in yards?

100 yards No, actually, an NFL football field in 53.3 yards wide (160 feet).

What are the differences between CFL and NFL?

NFL is four downs and cfl is three therefore having more passing. Also the cfl field is longer(120 yards and 20 yard endzones) compared to NFL which is(100 yards and 10 yard endzones). Finally the cfl ball is larger.

Who threw the longest throw in nfl quarterback challeng?

Randel cutingham 96 yards

How much yards was Tom Brady's throw?

In his NFL career Tom Brady has thrown 26,446 passing yards, all of them with the Patriots