Each endzone is 7 yards long, therefore the field with goals is 114 yards total.
The end zones are each ten yards deep, so the complete length of the field including the end zones is 120 yards.
If you are talking about airplanes then it varies on the airport, But in football the "touchdown-zone" is normally refered to as the "end-zone" and is ten yards.
Same time as tackle football, when a player gets in the end zone with the football, but usually its not a rushing touchdown in flag football.
Get the football into the end zone by running or passing
The goal of football is to move the ball down the field and into the end zone for a touchdown.
== == == == When the ball is advanced past the end zone line it is called a touchdown. It is worth 6 points. A touchdown can be scored on offense or defense by any player. A touchdown can also be scored if there is a fumble in the end zone, and the team that scored on that end zone recovers the fumble.
They are most likely trying to get a touchdown in a football game.
one hundredth of a football field from touchdown line to touchdown line. A yard stick is a yard long.
The things (usually yellow) that stand at the end of the touchdown zone that field goals are kicked through.
the whole field without endzones is 100 yards, the actual touchdown zone is 10 yards
The ball has to be in the touchdown zone. If it is above the zone it is still a touchdown. Take Troy Polamalu's touchdown on Dec,12,2010. He dived, broke the plane of the goal line but he was holding the football above the zone so it counts as a touchdown. In some cases the ref might not count it.
A touchdown is when you have crossed the plane of the end zone either by running the ball into it (which you only need to make sure the ball passes the plane), by knocking over the orange post in the corner of the end zone while in possession of the ball (which are in the end zone), or by catching the ball in the end zone (both feet must be in the end zone when caught).
point after touchdown point after touchdown