The shaft alone minimum is 30 Inches and the Head + Shaft minimum is 40 inches!
There are 4 different positions in men's lacrosse. starting from the bottom of the field there is 1 goalie, then you have 3 defensive players with long poles, then there are 3 midfielders and one take the face off, then last but not least there are 3 attack men. So the positions are 1 goalie, 3 defense, 3 midfielders, 3 attack.
In lacrosse's current form, men's lacrosse is played on a field of grass or artificial turf (such as Field Turf). Each team is composed of 10 players on the field at a time: three attack men, three midfielders, three defenders and one goaltender. In men's lacrosse, players wear protective equipment on their heads, shoulders, arms, and hands, as body checking is an integral part of the game, and stick checks to the arms and hands are considered legal. Now, that is a big difference from how the Native Americans played lacrosse. As you can see, lacrosse has slowly developed into more of an advanced form of lacrosse. Since lacrosse's debut in the Native American age, lacrosse has changed in a lot of ways. including the sticks, the amount of players that are allowed on the field, the size of the lacrosse field, the ball that they use to play, the goals, the positions, etc. Pretty much everything has changed since. The game has always required tremendous athletic skill. In early games, just running up and down the field was a great feat. Goals could be as far as 500 yards to half a mile apart and no sidelines limited the playing area. Games lasted two to three days with "time outs" between sundown and sunup. Compared today there are four quarters in very game, and each quarter is 15 minutes long. The only real main part of the game that remained the same was the concept of the game of lacrosse, to have fun, and to knock people out.
the cave men for their meat. they attack with spears.
the crow indian men hunted and protected there family in case of an attack.
Was normally referred to as "one flight" (of Hueys=UH1 Iroquois). Therefore, you couldn't define a stick by the amount of men in it; because a flight could be anywhere from 2 to 20 choppers.
as short as you can but dont hit his/her hand
In youth lacrosse (u-11) there is 3 attack players plus center our draw of the ball.
There are 4 different positions in men's lacrosse. starting from the bottom of the field there is 1 goalie, then you have 3 defensive players with long poles, then there are 3 midfielders and one take the face off, then last but not least there are 3 attack men. So the positions are 1 goalie, 3 defense, 3 midfielders, 3 attack.
If by "What are the lacrosse sizes?" you mean what the different lengths of lacrosse shafts are I can help you. There are three basic lengths of shafts, A 60" shaft for defensive players or long stick midis. There is a 30" shaft for midis and attack men. There is also a 40" shaft for goalies. However, all goalies don't the 40" shaft some (including me) use a 30" shaft (it's mostly a preference thing.)
10. 3 attack, 3 middies, 3 defense, and a goalie
There is a goalie, three attack men, three middies, and three close D.
The long shaft is used in men's lacrosse, the defenders use the long shaft so that they can have an easy reach to an on coming opposing player. they use the shaft to check the opponent and cause them to drop the ball. The short shaft is used in men's and women's lacrosse, the short shaft is used for all the other positions, much easier to control
10. three defense three attack three midfielders one goalie
Yes, in men's lacrosse only two of the defensive shafts are long pole
No that is what Women's lacrosse is for as a 5 year lacrosse player I do not suggest women play men's lacrosse. it's called men's lacrosse for a reason. Women's lacrosse isn't for men neither should men's be for women. Lacrosse is an extremely dangerous sport women should play with women.
the current world campions for lacrosse men's...
Harvard Crimson men's lacrosse was created in 1878.