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Q: How long is a foot in contact with the ball during a normal push pass?
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During the rally in volleyball can a player receive the ball using his or her foot?

Yes, as long as his or her foot is planted on the ground and does not move. There must be no "kicking" motion as it makes contact with the ball.

If contact by a defensive player during the act of punting prevents the punter from kicking the ball with his foot is the defensive player subject to a penalty?

NO. If the kicker had possession of the ball and was unable to kick it.

In tennis is it a foot fault when a right handed server's right foot crosses the base line during the service motion?

it is a foot fault when any part of each foot touches or crosses the base line before or during the time period when the raquet makes contact with the ball

What is it called in basketball when a player intentionally makes contact with the ball using their foot?

Kick ball

What is the ball in your foot?

ball of foot means a ball has a foot stuck. to it so there is a diffrens beetween foot ball and ball foot. foot ball is a game with a ball. but ball of foot is when the foot is stuck to the ball! get it?

What does a soccer player do to make contact with a ball that is too high to reach with a foot?


Can a basketball player have one foot in the paint and one foot out?

If you're in possession of the ball, and your foot or any other part of your body makes contact with the floor outside of the court, it's considered an out. If you jump outside of the boundary and toss the ball back inbounds before you make contact, it's not out.

Can feet be used to shoot the Basketball?

No, any time the ball makes contact with a moving foot, it is considered a "kick ball" and the possession is turned over. If your foot is on the floor and stationary, it is not considered a kick ball. So, if you would like to attempt to slam the ball off of your stationary foot and into the net, best of luck to you.

When taking a large step and planting the non-kicking foot to the side of a ball during soccer what are the principles of force summation used?

Several forces come in to play when kicking a soccer ball. The immediate force may be the velocity of the player as they run to the ball. Another force is the centripetal force of the player's thigh as it rotates at the hip. The third force is the centripetal force of the players lower leg as it rotates at the knee. A forth force is the centripetal force of the player's foot as it rotates at the ankle. The angle at which the foot comes into contact with the ball will depend the angle of flight. For example, the lower the point of contact, the higher the trajectory of the ball.

What does toe the ball mean?

"Toe the ball" is a phrase commonly used in sports, specifically in soccer or football. It refers to making contact with the ball using the toe or the front part of the foot. This technique is used to accurately pass or shoot the ball with precision.

Can you use your feet when playing Olympic Indoor Volleyball?

During regular volleys, any part of a player's body may make come in contact with the ball, so a kicked ball or even a ball that hits a player's foot and rebounds is legal. Read more in the "Related Links" section

Is it violation if you were dribbling in basketball and touched the ball with your knee?

No. It is not a violation if the contact with any part of the foot or leg was accidental. If it was intentional then the player is guilty of kicking the ball.