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Q: How long have green bay fans worn cheese head hats?
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What type of cheese does a cheese head hat represent?

The cheese hats have holes in them sooo.....SWISS!!!!!!!

What mlb team has fans dubbed cheese heads?

There are no MLB (Major League Baseball) fans who call themselves "cheese heads". The closest would be the Milwaukee Brewers since they play in Wisconsin, which happens to be the home state of the "cheese head" fans of the NFL (National Football League) Green Bay Packers.

What is monikers nick name for the Green Bay Packers?

Cheese Head

Why are hats good for your head?

hats good for your head out in the sun, obviously because protects your head from the hotsun

What kind of cheese do Green Bay Packers wear on their head?

A cheesehead is a hat that Packer fans wear. It is meant to represent Wisconsin for their cheesemaking. It is a triangle foam hat that pretty much looks like cheese. The Green Bay Packers were founded on August 11, 1919 by former high-school football rivals Earl "Curly" Lambeau and George Whitney Calhoun. Lambeau solicited funds for uniforms from his employer, the Indian Packing Company. He was given $500 for uniforms and equipment, on the condition that the team be named for its sponsor. The Indian Packing Company was a company that was involved in the canned meat industry. So why cheese at all? LOL

Why did the Victorians have hats?

a) It was the fashion to wear hats b) They keep the head warm

Can hats keep your head cool?


SHould you write Their hats on their heads or their hat on their head?

You should write "Their hats on their heads" because it matches the plural form of "hats" with the plural form of "heads".

What does the french army wear on their head?

Jew Hats

How do you put on hats in Dead Rising 2?

On your head...

Is head cheese really cheese?

No it is the brains of a cow.

What is a head covering for a small insect using a plural noun and possessive noun that rhymes?

Gnat's hats (several hats for one gnat). Or gnats' hats (several hats for several gnats).