Hitting a ball against a wall is something we automatically learn from birth.
There is no basketball degree.
Explaining the rules of basketball is very long and probably will be hard to take in. I recommend watching basketball or buying a basketball video game, like NBA Live or NBA 2K. Those will really help you out.
About 1 hour.
Yes, you should be able to, as long as you have no restrictions by the school itself. But otherwise, I dont see why not.
To me it is a priority because you wouldnt learn how to play basketball without math. Math is used in Basketball because you need to know how far to throw a ball. Blake Griffin dunks take a lot of force. sO it is a priority
they take lessons
5 mins
it took me three months without lessons...the first thing i did was learn about "tabs" and "chords"...then i wuld pick a song i liked and learned it
If you practice every day to learn a good amount of songs, and have a good teacher, or good reference, then you can learn it in about 1year and not sound horrible.