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You have ten (10) seconds to bring the ball past the half court line or you'll get called for a backcourt violation...

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Q: How long does a player have in the NBA to bring the ball across the half court line?
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How much time does a team have to bring the ball from there back court to the front court?

In the game of basketball, the player has five seconds to bring the ball from the backcourt to the frontcourt. Additionally, each player cannot hold onto the ball for more than five seconds at a time, without passing.

What a ball called hit diagonally across the court?

A ball hit diagonally across the court on a baseline ground stroke is called 'Crosscourt Shot'.

What should the officials do if a player from team A dribbles the ball into team B's court and then passes back in team A's court?

The officials would call a backcourt violation. It is illegal to bring the ball into the backcourt once the ball has passed the midcourt line.

If the defensive team tips the ball away in the frontcourt but the offensive team tips it after that wo regaining possessionThen the offensive team recovers the ball in the backcourt. Who's ball?

There are several violations in basketball that are called back court violations:1) The offensive team has 8 seconds (NBA) or 10 seconds (college) to bring the ball from the back court to the front court after inbounding. If the offensive team cannot advance the ball from the back court to the front court in the time allotted, a back court violation is called.2) Once the offensive team brings the ball across the mid court line, they may not pass the ball to a teammate who is behind the mid court line. This is also commonly called an 'over and back violation'.3) Should an offensive player lose control of the ball in the front court, due to their own error, and the ball cross the mid court line back into the back court , the offensive team cannot regain possession of the ball without having a back court violation (over and back) called.

What are 2 ways to advance the ball down the court in basketball?

A player can pass the ball to a player located further down the court or he can run while dribbling the ball. A player cannot move his feet while holding the ball.

When a soccer ball is headed from one player to player two across the soccer field what is the projectile?

soccer ball, just did it

What is considered over and back in basketball?

It is announcer-speak for when a player reaches over another player from behind, typically in a play for the ball. It is typically cited as a foul, not a violation.Contrary to popular belief, however, it does not in and of itself constitute a foul. To be a foul, it must occur with illegal contact (and not all contact in an over-the-back situation is necessarily illegal). It is often yelled by spectators and coaches alike and, unfortunately, even called by some officials. But there is no foul called over-the-back--and it does not exist as a call available to officials, either.

Can a player inbounding ball advance it down the court before another teammate touches the ball?

The player inboundin the ball can throw it all the way down the court, but someone else has to touch the ball once inbounded before the person inbounding the ball to touch it

What is cross court in tennis?

Cross court is more commenly known as back-courtHere is a quick definition:Backcourt violation or over & back violation- violation that occurs when the offensive team has brought the ball into the frontcourt, returns the ball into the backcourt once it has positioned itself in the front court: the offensive team crosses the half court line and then crosses back into the back court.As soon as a player from that team touches it in the backcourt , the ball is dead and is awarded to the opposing team for a throw-in.For more info go

If you are dribbling the basketball in your side of the court what can cause a back court violation?

I.) The failure to bring the ball from the backcourt into the frontcourt in the allotted 10 seconds. II.) After offense brought the ball to frontcourt, if any player on offense causes the ball to be in their team's possession on the backcourt that is a violation. (once you cross the half court you can't touch that half court line or cross it). If the defense deflects the ball into the backcourt and the offense recovers the ball, it is not a backcourt violation. I could not find any document on this and basically describing it on my experience.

Can a dead ball be inbounded to the back court?

Yes, You can run all the way to the other end of the court and have the player pass you the ball without a violation.

What is a down ball in volleyball?

When a player jumps up and spikes a ball down on the other side of the court