*Put your left hand in front of you, ( Ball in that hand!)
*Right hand up by your ear, elbow bent (it looks like you are waving hi)
*Then toss ball up with left hand.
*Hit when ball is by your face with your right hand. (Make sure your hand is open like you are giving someone a hi 5)
*Make sure your hand it straight.
HOPE THAT HELPS! -I am a volleyball player/helper
This is the basic pass in volleyball, and may also known as the "volley pass", "overhand pass", "chest pass" or "face pass". It is the most used and most accurate pass in volleyball. It can only be used when the ball being played is moving slowly and is high enough off the ground for you to play the ball when it is above your head. This does not mean that you can only play the ball when it is above your normal standing head height. By bending your legs you are able to lower your head so that you can volley a ball as low as 1 m (3 ft) off the ground.
1.Adopt the ready position: square to the target in a slight stride, feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, and your hands about 6 to 8 inches in front of your forehead with your thumbs pointing toward your eyes.
The forefingers and elbows form an angle of 90 degrees. The player should aim to cup his hands around the ball. The thumb should be at the lower rear of the ball, the forefingers at the top rear, and the remaining fingers spread around the ball. If the fingers are correctly placed there will be a shape similar to that of the spade in playing cards, between the forefingers and the thumbs. In this way, your thumbs form a window, through which you see the ball. The ball is played mainly on the thumb and the first two fingers. The other fingers help keep the ball under control. As the ball comes into the hands the wrists are cocked back and the palms turned so that they are almost facing each other. The ball is then played on the fingers and not the palms.
As you contact the ball, extend your arms and legs, transferring your weight in the intended direction of the pass. In this way, the entire body imparts force to the ball, allowing you greater height and distance. Only the upper two joints of the fingers and thumbs actually touch the ball.
Point to note: Keep your eyes on the ball!
When overhead passing the ball, otherwise known as setting, you need to make sure you are completely under the ball. Make sure you get your hands up early and keep your fingers firm. A good way to remember the form for overhead passing is pretending to pick up a bucket of water from the floor. Your hands are rounded slightly from the bucket. Then bring your hands above your forehead and you should be able to see out of small window. When contacting the ball straighten your elbows and pretend your superman by following through by straightening your wrists and fingers.
underhand pass
Underhand serve
block, set (volley), bump(pass), serve (underhand and/or overhand),and spike
You should hit it with an underhand pass, otherwise known as a bump.
only for younger players
over-hand and underhand
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It is called the forehand pass.
of course you can!. . .
over hand jumps serve jump floater underhand
underhand, overhand, and jump serve
Underhand Pass (or simply pass)- used primarily in the backrow for defensive specialists. The goal is to get up to the setter. Overhand Pass (set)- used primarily by the setter. The goal is to set it up for a hitter to hit it.