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plyometrics are a very important part of volleyball because the whole game is based on fast-twitch muscle movements. When using plyometrics you are able to train these muscles to explode fast and you will get a faster motion. It also helps improve your vertical jump which is crucial as a front row player. For backrow players, it is important to have quick fast-twitch muscles because their motions are quick side-to-side movements

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Which sports plyometrics is related too?

Plyometrics applies to any sport that wishes to add speed and power to a movement.

How is volleyball related to math?

Volleyball is related to math. You can calculate the balls weight and distance and speed to calculate how hard to hit the volleyball. Or you can calculate the area of the court your playing on. Another way math is related to volleyball is, when your volleyball goes flat, you'll need to know how much air to pump in it. Volleyball is related to math.

Are there any really good plyometrics workout videos available?

Yes, there are several companies that have released great plyometrics workout videos. You can even find some great plyometrics workout videos on Youtube.

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No. I am an expert on Volleyball and baseball and have researched this question for you. The word wave is not related to the game of volleyball. I hope this answered your question :)

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For the court measurement for Volleyball, please visit the links in the "Related Links" section

Why would one recommend a plyometrics workout?

One would recommend a plyometrics workout if you were training for a sport and trying to increase your joint flexibility and strength. Plyometrics causes your muscles to contract faster helping increase elasticity and strength.

What are science careers related to volleyball?

basically none.

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Beach volleyball / beachball is a major one.

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