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In a number of intangible ways. They help create the ambiance, the atmosphere, the tingle of excitement that electrifies the air just before an MLS soccer match!

They are awesome!

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11y ago
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13y ago

it really isn't but they are there to keep the crowd alive and to have them cheering their team on with lots of energy. and it is entertainment for alot of people (especially men)

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12y ago

To get the crowd excited about the team, cheer on the players and to keep the audience hopeful during the game

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11y ago

Cheerleaders need teamwork so that they will learn to work well together.

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For basketball teams, football teams, ect. at schools they have teams and they need cheerleaders. what does it have 2 do with school? nothing really but that's your answer

When does cheerleading begin?

Cheerleading begins in the fall when football starts.

What came first football or cheerleading?


What are the different of cheerleader to cheerleading?

A cheerleader is someone who participates in cheerleading. It's just like in football where a football player plays football.