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in a cricket ball ,there is a metel centre and over the metal core there is a thic coating of lose treads which helps the core to move and this is the reason why ball swings in the direction of wind and then it is covered by leather pieces................... if u think this is a good answer mail me on

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10y ago

Roll wet tissue into a ball of your size.

Next, cover the wet ball with dry tissue.

Then leave it in the freezer for 1-2 days.

After it has been frozen, tape it with Duct Tape and freeze it for 1 hr.

This cricket ball is harder to bounce but just as good for a lick from a bat.

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14y ago

Cricket balls are made of core of cork which is layered by tightly wound string and covered by leather case.

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15y ago

Cricket balls are made from a core of cork, which is layered with tightly wound string, and covered by a leather case with a slightly raised sewn seam.

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