10 feet high (the same height as a NBA hoop) NFL Rules states the top of the goal post must be a minimum of 30 feet off the ground. That would make the minimum length of the goal post 20 feet as the crossbar is 10 feet off the ground.
120 yards
generally speaking, goal post are yellow or white.
18'6" wide
8 foot
22 feet
In the NFL and NCAA, goal posts are 6 inches wide. High school football fields usually use goal posts that are 4 inches wide.
In the NFL, goal posts are 10 feet high and 18 1/2 feet wide.
ten yards
Yes, but the goal post is 10 feet high. The incoming field goal would have to be barely able to clear the post for it to be within reach of even the most vertically talented player to knock down.
120 yards. Each end zone is 10 yards, plus the 100 yards between goal lines.