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18'6" wide

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Michael Bogisich

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3y ago
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10y ago

According to the NFL rule book the field goal post must be 35 feet high. A ribbon which is 4 inches by 42 inches must also be attached to each post.

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17y ago

A goal post is 20 feet tall.

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16y ago

The top is 40 feet from the ground.

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Q: How wide are NFL goal posts?
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How thick is a goal post pipe?

In the NFL and NCAA, goal posts are 6 inches wide. High school football fields usually use goal posts that are 4 inches wide.

How wide are American football goal posts?

The goal posts in the NFL and college are 18 feet, 6 inches apart. In high school, goal posts are 23 feet, 6 inches apart.

What is width of goalposts in pro football?

In the NFL, goal posts are 18 feet, 6 inches wide. The NCAA uses the same dimensions for their goal posts.

I have heard that the goal post in college football is wider than in the NFL is this true and if so how wide is each?

Goal posts in both the NFL and college football are 18 feet 6 inches apart. The goal posts in college used to be 23 feet 4 inches wide but were reduced to the same width as the NFL in 1991.

What is the height of a NFL goalpost?

NFl goal posts are 18 foot 6 inches wide. The cross bar is 10 foot from the ground, and posts extend to a hight of at least 30 foot above the crossbar.

What color are goal posts in the NFL?


What are the dimensions of a football end post?

In the NFL, goal posts are 10 feet high and 18 1/2 feet wide.

How wide are the goal posts in college football?

18.6 feet

What are the dimensions of a high school football goalpost?

The height of the crossbar is 10 ft. And the width between the goal posts is 18 ft. 10 inches

How wide are the goal post in the NFL?

22 feet

What is the measure of a football goal post?

It depends on the level of play you're asking about. At the high school level, the goal posts are 10' high and 23' 4" wide. On both the collegiate and professional levels, the only difference from high school is that the goalposts are 18' 6" wide.

Is football goal posts made of metal?

Most football goal posts are made of some type of metal. Football goal posts for the NFL are made out of steel with a mixture of aluminum. Soccer goal posts are usually aluminum or plastic with a net in between the posts.