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The length of the football defines the width of the neutral zone. When the referee places the ball on the ground, no player on either team (except the center on offense) may may line up with any part of their body inside the neutral zone. The neutral zone extends the entire width of the playing field.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Offensive linemen may be within 1 yard but not in advance of the ball prior to the snap. They must form a straight line perpendicular to the sidelines and comprise no less than 7 players.

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a fumble that cannot be advanced by the kicking team Under current NFL rules, whether the ball hits a receiver in the helmet or not, is a non-factor. You can catch the ball off of your head, someone else's head, etc. So long as the ball never touches the ground. That said, it's illegal for a pass to hit an ineligible receiver first (an offensive lineman for example) in any way.

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