43 feet
The distance from second base to the pitching rubber is the same as the distance from the plate to the rubber. It is 60 feet 6 inches.
What age Dixie Youth.
The distance is 60 feet 6 inches from the back of home plate to the front of the pitcher's rubber.
There is a 16 foot circle with the pitching plate as the center point.
The Distance From Home Plate To The Pitching Mound Is 46 Feet
Pitching the bar was a type of colonial Christmas game played in the 1600s by the colonists to test strength. It was played by "pitching" a pole or log as far as possible.
long distance? far distance?
The distance from the pitching rubber to the back tip of home plate in professional, college and high school baseball is 60 ft. 6 in. In some leagues 13-14 will pitch from that same distance, but in some they will throw from 54 ft. as a transition from little league to high school. I would check with your rules for your league and work from there.
40 feet
Far far, far, far, far.
60 ft