About 11cm apart and if you are right handed, you right foot should be slightly more in front than your left and if you're left handed your left foot should be slightly in front of your right.
Shooting in basketball requires your form to be correct, Put the ball in your shooting hand make sure your body is square to the basket, and put your feet shoulder width apart, and also put your elbow in towards your body.Throwing the ball at the opponents net
first of all elbow under the ball feet shoulder width apart shooting foot slightly in fort of other foot eyes on the rim follow through with a snap of the rist and hold your follow throgh
7th graders should be shooting/playing on a hoop of standard height. Which is 10 feet.
Point guard ... Or shooting guard ...
If you mean 'how high should a basketball goal be?. It should be 10 feet from the floor to the top of the rim.
it should be 30 feet but when you play u dont want to run into the pole so put them about 34 feet apart the net should be 30 feet
100 feet
exactly 10 feet
Plant canes in rows that are 18 to 24 inches apart.
The official height of an NBA basketball ring, is 10 feet from the court to the rim. It's also 10 feet for official high school and college courts! =)
No. You always keep your feet apart.