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i use a saw
Basketball: 40x90 Football: 53yrdsx120yrds Baseball: bases are 90 feet apart, 60.5 from pitch to home Tenis: gay
tell my coach..his name is, SANRAFAEL .. His phone number is: 1874043780
Easton Stealth Coach Pitch Model # BCNCP1. Hands down !
Coach pitch baseball is a youth type of baseball, usually the step after T-ball and before player pitch. In coach pitch, the coaches of each team will pitch to the opposing team and with the intent of allowing the hitters to hit, or put the ball in play, rather than attempting to strike the batter out. Coach pitch is usually for ages 6-8, but can vary a year or so in age groups. Many coach pitch leagues have gone to a pitching machine rather than have the coach pitch, and will have a team player playing next to the pitch machine as a fielder.
I am playing baseball. Specifally, I am batting. More specifically, the coach is telling me not to swing at the next pitch, even if it is hittable.
Softball and baseball are different for several reasons. First off the ball size of a softball and baseball are different. A softball is bigger than a baseball. Also a softball is yellow and a baseball is white. Also the dimensions of the field are different. In softball the bases are 60 ft apart and the baseball bases are 90 ft apart. The fences vary and the pitchers mounds for different leagues in both, but in baseball both the pitching mound and the fences tend to be a further than in softball. The pitching motions of the two are also different. In baseball one pitches overhand and in softball they pitch underhand. The games have the same basics concept, but differ a great deal.
In fast-pitch softball the bases are 60 feet apart. There are 12 inches in one foot. So 60x12=720 inches
The main dangers of baseball are being hit by a pitch and taking a line drive or grounder off the body. Also, you can pull muscles running the bases.
well i can not really answer this because many people try various ways to pitch accurately i am a pitcher myself and i go to a pitching coach. if you want to pitch accurately, i suggest you go to a pitching coach.
In Baseball the distance in feet between the bases and home plate are 90 feet.