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Statistics for all tennis events, live and on TV, are almost impossible to come by, as they are not all made available to the public. However, according to an article in the online "SportsBusiness Daily" (refer to the link, below), the Nielsen ratings by year and gender for the US Open between 1996 and 2006 indicates that the number of people watching have fluctuated over the years, as have the number between and within the sexes. It appears that over that ten year period, male viewers have an overall higher rating.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 17y ago

No ... boys and girls are equal when it comes to Basketball. Boys may be a little taller and a little stronger but that doesn't mean that a boy is a better basketball player. Becoming good at something is based on how much you practice and how hard you try. And when it comes to that, girls and boys are equal.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Some quick notes:

  • Men use a larger basketball than Women (29.5 inches to 28.5 inches)
  • Men play longer games (NBA= 48 minutes, WNBA=40 minutes)
  • Men have up to six fouls while women have up to five
  • Most men can dunk while few women can dunk
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βˆ™ 14y ago

No, girls are better. They develop first so they're stronger and a lot faster, and as with all sports that involve running, girls are at a big advantage because boys get bothered by their "bits" bouncing around and they don't. If you watch one-on-one basketball matches with a boy against a girl, she always gets the upper hand quickly and starts to tease him, showing off and tantalizing him with the ball, while he gets more and more frustrated and cross, sometimes even to the point of tears. The truth is that at basketball a boy doesn't stand a chance against a girl his age, and actually a girl as young as eight can beat a boy of eleven, or even older if she's good. This is hard for boys to accept because they don't like losing to girls at any sport - they're meant to be better at it - but the fact is that girls are just well-suited for basketball and boys aren't.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Basketball is played by both genders. It's very popular among both boys and girls!

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βˆ™ 13y ago

if you are a woman, you may want to participate less in the sport of basketball since your boobs will bounce more than normal while playing. This may cause some pain in the chest area.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Males play basketball more often.

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