It compares very well. In fact, it is easy to build a pitching machine that NOBODY could hit a pitch from, so the pitching machines are designed to simulate real pitches, and are adjustable.
The nice thing about the pitching machines is you can set the more expensive ones to do all sorts of pitches which can really help you improve your batting skills. It's also great for when you can't find anyone to practise with.
you can purchase one on this website:
The fastest a pitching machine will throw a ball is 95mph. This limit is put in place due to safety issues. The fastest pitching machine ever is located in Japan. It throws at speeds of 125 MPH! In the US they are generally up to 95 MPH.
No, a wild pitch is a wild pitch -- it is considered a mistake charged to the pitcher. An "error" in baseball is a fielding mistake. A pitcher can make an "error" but only on a batted or thrown ball.
One is thrown slow and the other is thrown fast.
the pitch did not hit him. it went behind his head. cabrera was ejected after the onfield scuffle and the game went on with brian burres pitching.
106 mph
like bween 1750$ and 2000$,but thay can thar 100mph fastball for you and almost ever other pitch (not 100 mph tho)
A changeup pitch is a slow pitch thrown to look like a fastball.
I play softball so i should know ! The fastest pitch ever thrown by a woman was 80 something mph.
I/you/we/they pitch. He/she/it pitches. The present participle is pitching.
it could.
The fastball is the pitch most thrown and most hit in baseball.