Yes, there are two (fast-pitch and slow-pitch).
Honestly, It depends on the girl. Some don't even pitch 40, while others pitch nearly 60.
up to 110 mph depending on the bat. Softballs come off of composite bats a lot faster than they come of of aluminum bats.
Ball is hard on outside,but the core is soft,not allowing it to travel as far and fast as a baseball,hence the name Softball.
Well, apples=D
The difference is fast colors won't "bleed" their color and the non fast will.
The difference between these bats is the difference between the ratio of their weights and lengths. An example of a drop 10 bat you be on that is 33 inches in length and 23 ounces. A drop 8 bat would be 33 inches long, but weigh 25 ounces. Drop describes the ration between weight and length.
No. Fast-pitch is were they have the big softballs. In slow pitch, they have little ones. But they are both bigger than Baseballs! The BIG balls that you see in collage softball are started being used in 12 and under. (Which is 11 and 12 year olds) 8, 9, 10 year olds use the middle sized ball. 5, 6, 7 year old us the little balls. The liitle balls are a little bigger than baseballs.
because they have webbed feet and they can swim fast
60 feet
A fast flowing river is faster
It is possible for one to find a lot of useful information about what the difference between Slim Fast Optima and the other Slim Fast products is at several online websites for an example wikipedia.