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The ability to move fast and to ALWAYS stick with your opponent. You need to be watching for the ball ready to intercept the other teams pass. You always need to work together with your GK to prevent them from getting goals. Being Tall helps too :)

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13y ago
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13y ago

The goal keeper (GK) should try to stop the goal shooter (GS) from getting the ball and shooting, along with the Goal deffence (GD) from the goal attack (GA) also getting the ball into the net. The GK has to protect the defending circle and is in charge of the defending of the team.

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13y ago

Never let your player (GA) leave your sight. Your responsibility is to stop her from getting the ball and shooting, so don't worry about getting the ball yourself, focus on your player. There is a technique called blocking, in which you always stay on your toes in front of your player, not letting her pass you or move into space to receive the ball. Also, you could just stand of the edge of the goal circle and not let her in. Doing this helped me alot :) hope i helped you!

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14y ago

In the third GD starts in, the shooting circle in the third they started in, and the center third.

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14y ago

no gold defence cannot go anywhere it can only go in 2 thirds of the court in the middle and in the other section where they are defending

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12y ago

The main thing is to practice practice practice. Make sure your main focus is the ball and try to stay close to your player so you can feel which way she's moving.

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Q: How does a goal defence defend the goal attack from getting in the circle during a netball match?
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What does the Goal Defense do in netball?

In netball, GD (goal defence) defends the goal attack and trys to stop them getting the ball down the court. If the goal attack gets the ball into the circle and under the ring then the goal defence must defend him/her and attempt to catch the rebound if the shot misses. The goal defence must then help to pass the ball back down the court to their attacking team members.

Which 4 players are allowed in semi circle in netball?

Goal Shoot (GS) Goal Attack (GA) Goal Defence (GD) Goal Keeper (GK)

What does the wing attack does in netball?

WA defends the WD on the other team and works at getting the ball to their goal circle.

What the wing defence does n netball?

The wing defences (WD) job is to keep the wing attack out of the game, so that she cannot feed into the circle. The wing defence must stick tight to her player but also back up on the third line if the attack need help.

Who is allowed inside the 'D' on a Netball court?

When you mean 'D', I am assuming that you mean the semi-circle in your teams goal. If you are the only positions in netball allowed in the semi-circle are Goal Shooter (GA), Goal Attack (GA), Goal Keeper (GK), and Goal Defence (GD). Keep in mind that the GS and GA are only allowed in their goal semi-circle and the GK and GD are only allowed in the opposition goal semi-circle. Hope this helped :) Vicky

What does the WD in netball do?

The WD defends the place near the goal circle. They are not aloud in the goal circle.

Where is the wing defense allowed?

I play wing defence in netball. you can go in your third and the centre third but not in the semi circle

What are the players jobs in netball?

Goal Shooter: Scores most of the goals. Goal Attack: Bring the ball into attacking third and score goals. Wing Attack: Bring the ball into the attacking third. Centre: Attack and defend the ball through the whole court except the goal circle. Wing Defence: Defend the Wing Attack. Goal Defence: Defend the Goal Attack. Goal Keeper: Defend the Goal Shooter.

In netball where is the goal attack not allowed?

The goal attack, also known as GA, can only go into their third where they are shooting, the goal square and into the middle third. GA is also eligible to shoot goals.

How is a goal scored in net ball?

When either the GA (goal attack) or GS (goal shooter) throw the netball up into the hoop in the goal circle. The goal circles are at each end of a netball court. The only players allowed in a circle is the GA, GS, GD (goal defence from opposing team) and GK (goal keeper also from the opposing team.

Where in netball is the wing attack allowed?

Okay, so basic principles: a netball court is divided into thirds. Each team has an attacking or goal third, a defence third (aka the other team's goal third) and both teams share the centre third.The WA can play anywhere in the centre third, but for the centre pass she must stand just inside the goal third until the whistle blows. She can also play anywhere in the goal third, but NOT inside the goal circle or she'll be called offside. The WA is not allowed anywhere in the defence third (other team's goal third).

Where you can and cant go in a netball match?

Depends where you play. GS - (goal shooter) shooting circle and attacking third. GA - (goal attack) shooting circle, attacking third and center third. WA - (wing attack) attacking third and center third. C - (center) NOT shooting circles, all thirds. WD - (wing defence) defending third and center third. GD - (goal defence) shooting circle, defending third and center third. GK - (goal keeper) shooting circle and defending third. Hope this helps