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Improving Your Football Kicking DistanceTechnique is important. Outside that, weight training to make your legs stronger, and flexibility training to give your leg a longer stroke. The leg extension is a good weight exercise.


From the kinesiological viewpoint, efficiency of effort in gaining distance is better achieved as you practise getting your natural weight behind the ball as you kick and let your weight do the kinetic work FOR you ... AND, also, as mentioned above, if you are able to increase your flexibility through the hip area, through the legs and hamstrings and lower back, you will also create a longer contact period - more specifically, a longer lever arm/stroke upon the ball, allowing you to exert force upon it over a greater stroke distance.

This is why footballers precede the kick with some run-up - to assist in sending the ball some distance via natural weight transference gained by the run up

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

its easy, you can either throw sidearm, (if you're pretty tall)

you can buy a weighted football and practice with it

or watch the technique of a great NFL QB such as Peyton Manning or Tom Brady.

but the key thing is to practice =]]


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βˆ™ 13y ago

to be able to throw a football far 30+ yeards you must have good arm strentgh and must know proper technique release ball at when reaches tip of nose is how everyone is tought to throw and must know lace position which i do not know off the top of my head

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βˆ™ 14y ago

It all depends, depeding if ur going to punt the ball or but it on a tee. If u would be putting it on a tee, watch the elevation and the angle that u put it on it. And if the way u back up from the ball usually about 3 feet back and 1 ft right. If u are going to punt it it is the way u drop the ball. Hope this helped and im sorry if it dident help

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βˆ™ 13y ago

work on throwin from short distances and gradually make the distance further and further until ur arm strength increases u can be able to throw further distances

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Lift weights that will improve your upper body strength. Throwing a football far does not just include arm muscles but pecks as well as your torso.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

you need to strengthen your arm and maybe try different ways of throwing the ball. try holding the ball a different way. watch nfl quarterbacks. they use their whole body to throw the ball.

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