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2 unassisted. Any batter or runner called out on account of a rule is scored as the action of the nearest player.

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Q: How do you score a batter being called out for stepping on homeplate during a bunt?
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If a batter steps on home plate to avoid being hit by a pitch is the pitch a strike?

One Answer:Before the hit yes. After no. the home plate is in fair territory between the batters box and first base so it is often stepped on, however the batter must hit the ball while inside the batters box. Correct Answer:There is no rule in MLB prohibiting a batter from stepping on home plate.

Can a batter switch hit after a pitch has been made in MLB?

Yes, a batter can change from one side of the plate to the either during his at-bat, but he cannot do it once the pitcher is ready to pitch. Rule 6.06(b) states: A batter is out for illegal action when stepping from one batter's box to the other while the pitcher is in position ready to pitch.

Where did the phrase 'stepping in the bucket' originate?

The phrase 'stepping in the bucket' may have originated from a short starring Babe Ruth where he criticizes a young player for 'stepping in the bucket.' This is a phrase that means the batter has an open stance and steps towards third base and short stop when he swings. There is a player who was notorious for this stance who went by the nickname of "Bucketfoot Al." His name was Al Simmons and he played during the 1930's.

What year did stepping start?

Stepping comes from Africa the slaves brought it here. They used it for communication and stepping was used as a instrument by clapping and stomping to my rythym and beat during religious ritutuals.

Is the batter out if he steps on home plate after he hits the ball?

No. Home plate is considered fair territory and is treated as any other part of the field. However, if the batter is stepping on home while making contact with the ball, he is out for having touched the ball in fair territory. ---------- The above is not necessarily true. The rule says if the batter has all of one or both feet out of the batter's box when making contact with the pitch, he's out. But it's certainly possible for a batter's toe to be on the plate while his heel is on the inside line of the batter's box, and he would be legal. Next time you watch a Major League game, look for the inside line of the batter's box. In most ballparks, they don't chalk the inside line. Why? Because then it's up to the umpire to decide if, in his judgment, the batter's entire foot was out of the batter's box when he made contact with the pitch. It makes for fewer discussions with the Managers. And by the way, if the entire foot is out of the batter's box, and the batter makes contact with the pitch, he's out, whether he hits the ball fair or foul.

What do you call the place where the announcers sit during a football game?

Directly behind homeplate overlooking the entire field high up in a special 'press box' or 'announcer box'.

Can a relief pitcher be substituted before he throws any pitches?

Only in one situation and that is if he can convince the umpires that he suffered an injury between the time he was called in and the time the batter enters the batter's box (like during his warmup pitches). Otherwise, he must pitch to at least one batter.

What is the person who is trying to hit the ball called?

The batter is the one who bats using a baseball bat at a baseball game on a baseball team in a baseball field during baseball season while wearing his baseball uniform. 0_o

What is Margaret's last name in Stepping on th cracks?

In the book "Stepping on the Cracks" by Mary Downing Hahn, Margaret's last name is O'Brien. The story follows the friendship between Margaret and Elizabeth during World War II.

Can a batter swing during an intentional walk?

Yes, there are no rules in baseball stating what kind of pitch a batter may swing at. It wouldn't be wise to swing at a pitch thrown during an intentional walk, but if the batter wanted to it would be legal.

If a batter is hurt during a at bat not from the ball can a designated batter relief during the at bat?

Yes, the hitter coming in would just have to assume the original hitters count.

When does a baseball occurs?

A ball occurs when the pitcher throws a pitch outside the strike zone and the batter does not swing at it. Should this occur four times during a plate appearance, the batter is allowed to advance to first base on what is called a base on balls, or walk.