just dive and hope you dont get hurt atleast make the chances of making that great catch.... it all works out in the end
'Circus catch' is a term used in baseball (and football also) that means a difficult catch. A diving catch or a catch where an outfielder jumps and reaches over the wall to make a catch and rob the hitter of a home run could be called a circus catch.
Whatever position you have, do it right. if your are a lienman, block for yoru quarterback. if your a defensive lineman, get through, make some tackles, and some sacks. If your a cornerback, make sure the wr doesn't get the ball. Simple things you have to do to catch the eye for a football scout.
In a football match the term 'diving' is used to describe an incident when a member of one team pretends to have been tripped up or knocked down by a member of the opposing team. Sometimes a footballer will try and make a minor incident appear to be more serious in order to earn their team a free kick or a penalty.
1] Catch the football - no matter what - catch the football. 2] Good lateral movement for blocking. 3] Fast foot speed for getting open and advancing the ball after a catch. 4] Fairly big and tall - if you are really good at the first three, it isn't as important.
Thumbs together with pointer finger touching.You should make a triangular shape.Now you wont catch exactly like that you wont your hand shaped that way though. Also, when you make the triangle, when the ball is coming at you look the football into the triangle until it goes into your hands. I do that everytime and like 90% of the time I catch it, and I'm white (if race for some reason counts).
You have to make the catch without using the ground. You have to have at least 1 foot down and you can't have the ground cause a fumble.
Yes Citizen and Seiko make watches ment for diving.
You can use a water proof portable CD player for diving and surfing.
The stripes make the ball easier to pick up in flight therefore easier to catch. This is the reason the NFL does not have stripes making it more difficult for the professionals to catch the ball.
That was Dallas Cowboys cornerback Mark Washington. The play occurred late in the second quarter of Super Bowl X and covered 53 yards.
It should make a good spiral to the receiver and the ball goes up in the air and back down so the receiver can try to catch the ball.