just like you would roll anything else up, like a buttonup or whatever. basically just fold/roll your sleeves up (inwards, of course) until they are where you desire them to be
Roll Up Your Sleeves was created in 2008.
The duration of Roll Up Your Sleeves is 1620.0 seconds.
Some schoolgirls may roll up their sleeves for practical reasons, such as to stay cool or comfortable, or to avoid getting their sleeves dirty while working. It may also be a fashion or personal style choice.
a football jersey is a football players shirt
there just basketball shooting sleeves
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Jersey Football Association was created in 1905.
Similar to football uniforms, a lacrosse uniform consists of a jersey with sleeves designed to go over shoulder pads. Lacrosse pants hang below the knees and tend to be baggy.
Jeans are a good item to pair with a football jersey.
It is important to tie your hair back and roll up your sleeves when working in a chemistry lab to prevent them from coming into contact with chemicals, flames, or equipment. Loose hair and long sleeves can easily catch fire or get contaminated, posing a safety risk in the lab.
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i really dnt kno but i think yes... i roll up my sleves do maybe other girls do too. **alliteration**