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The same way as to start each half: a centrepass which is taken by the team that did not score the goal/was scored against. Every player must be in their own half, except for the player making the pass, before the ball is played. The ball can be played in any direction and the rules for a free hit apply. Note that if a goal is scored during a penalty corner which is taken during or after time expires, that half is over and the restart is not done.

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The defense receives a free hit (a 16-yard/14.63-metre) at the top of the circle.

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After a goal is scored, the teams face-off at centre ice.

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Q: How do you restart a game of field hockey after a goal is scored?
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After a goal is scored, the game is restarted from a centre pass on the halfway line, by a member of the team the goal was scored against.