No there is not an age limit for wearing SG stud on your soccer cleats. Some refs might be picky because you can unscrew them and the ref doesn't a stud on the field.
You can wear soccer cleats to play american football but it is less than ideal. Soccer cleats do not have a stud on the toe of the cleat like football cleats do. This make it much easier to run, cut and dig into the grass. Most football cleats are also higher and more supportive than soccer cleats. Although if you are a field goal kicker/ punter or kicker in American Football - they all wear soccer cleats. Basically you CAN wear soccer cleats to play American football but you CAN NOT wear American Football cleats to play Soccer.
Yes you can as soccer cleats are versatile cleats, but i would recommend football cleats as they have a higher ankle providing more support.
Football cleats are specifically designed for football. They are larger, especially around the ankle, which gives the wearer more support on the football field. They also have a center stud which is illegal in soccer. Soccer cleats are slimmer and designed for optimum performance on the field. The size and weight of the shoe makes it possible for the player to run faster and longer, unlike football there are no timeouts. The shape of a soccer cleat helps to provide a good touch on the ball.
Baseball and soccer cleats are quite different because they are designed for different purposes. Soccer cleats are designed for grip exclusively on turf since the soccer pitch is entirely covered in turf, but baseball cleats are designed to give the player maximum grip on the dirt basepaths, which is why baseball cleats will sometimes perform poorly for outfielders, especially on wet turf. Soccer cleats are round while baseball cleats are (generally) rectangular, and both have blunt bottoms. Certain soccer boots allow the owner to change out the cleats as they wear, but I have never seen baseball shoes with replaceable cleats. The biggest difference however is that baseball cleats may be made of metal but soccer cleats never can. If you've ever wondered why soccer players kneel down while the referee walks behind them before a match, it is so he can see that all cleats are legal. In both sports it is illegal to sharpen cleats into spikes.
Football cleats are specifically designed for football. They are larger, especially around the ankle, which gives the wearer more support on the football field. They also have a center stud which is illegal in soccer. Soccer cleats are slimmer and designed for optimum performance on the field. The size and weight of the shoe makes it possible for the player to run faster and longer, unlike football there are no timeouts. The shape of a soccer cleat helps to provide a good touch on the ball.
Yes they can be used
I'm only 14. But soft ground cleats are for wet and sloppy fields, and hard ground is for artificial grass.
Chris Ulloa is the Best soccer player in the world at the age of 16. Chris Ulloa is a 17 year old stud soccer player that's going to be pro!
They are the same - most football boot / rugby boots have the same foot sizes - However, there are some rugby boots that sit higher in the ankle than football boots to protect the ankle from stud damage. Added to this many newer Rugby boot makes carry a 10 stud configuration (6 in the sole 4 in the heel) for great grip for the push factor they also have studs all the same length as the heel studs for the same reason
They consist of two components. One part has a stud and the other has a hole. When fastened, the stud fits snugly into the hole until pressure is used to force them apart to unfasten them.
The oil pressure sending unit is on the front drivers side of the engine towards the bottom it has a hex shaped stud screwed in the engine with the sending unit screwed into the end of the stud. It has the electrical line on the tip.