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Up to the fumble, that is receiving yards for the person that caught the ball. After the recovery, that is considered fumble recovery yards, but those yards are not kept up with in an offensive player's career stats.

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Q: How do you record the yardage for a pass completion that is fumbled and picked up and advanced by another offensive player?
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What is a sentence for fumbled?

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What is a sentence with the word fumbled?

Antonio fumbled with his lighter for a moment, creating a flame for about a half of a second before it sputtered and went out.

If fumbled within 5yd line can any offensive player recover the fumble NFL?

Yes. The only rule restricting who may recover a fumble occurs in the final two minutes of a half. This rule states if the ball is fumbled forward in the last two minutes of a half, if the player that fumbled the ball is not the player that recovers the ball, then the ball goes back to the point where it was fumbled. If the player that fumbled is also the player that recovers, the ball is spotted where the recovery was made. In other words, let's say there are less than two minutes left in a half and a player is on the 5 yard line and fumbles the ball forward into the end zone. If the player that fumbled the ball also recovers the ball, the play is ruled a touchdown. If any other offensive player recovers the ball, it is not a touchdown and the ball is brought back to the 5 yard line and the offense keeps possession. If a defensive player recovers the ball, it is ruled a touchback.

When on offense if the ball is fumbled into the back of the end zone what happens?

Depending on which side recovers the loose ball. If the defense player does it is a safety and worth 2 points to that team and they get the ball back on a kick off. If the offensive player gets it, and makes it out of the end zone he takes it as far as he can and the game continues from there. If the offensive player gets it and is tackled inside the end zone, it is again a safety for the other team. Do you mean if the ball is fumbled out of the back of the end zone? In that case, it's a safety awarded to the defense. If the ball is fumbled into the end zone but the offense recovers and is tackled, that's also a safety. If the ball is fumbled into the end zone but the defense recovers, it's a touchdown for the defense.

He fumbled for what to say?


Can you throw the ball after a fumble?

Yes you can throw a football after a fumble as long as it is fumbled behind the line of scrimmage and it is the only forward pass of the play. Each offensive play is allowed only one forward pass. A ball advanced beyond the line of scrimmage may be passed or fumbled backward behind the line and then legally thrown forward as long as the feet of the passer are behind the line when he throws the ball and it is the first forward pass during that play. .

Can a fumbled punt recovered by the kicking team be advanced down the field?

Yes the football can be advanced by any team Incorrect - the defense cannot advance a fumble in high school football. The play is blown dead upon fumble and the ball spotted where the change in possession occurred.

What Cowboy fumbled in Super Bowl five?

The Colts fumbled the opening kickoff of the second half and the Cowboys recovered. The Cowboys drove to the Colts 1 yard line when running back Duane Thomas fumbled the ball and the Colts recovered.

If the football is fumbled is it dead at the spot?


Who fumble the most Clinton portis or Marion barber?

For the 2008 season, Marion Barber fumbled 7 times and Clinton Portis fumbled 3 times.

A fumbled ball is when the ball is?

A fumbled ball is when a player loses possession of the ball while attempting to maintain control, usually due to mishandling or a defensive player disrupting the play.

Can a quarterback continue to throw the ball after a forced fumbled?
