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Depending on which side recovers the loose ball. If the defense player does it is a safety and worth 2 points to that team and they get the ball back on a kick off. If the offensive player gets it, and makes it out of the end zone he takes it as far as he can and the game continues from there. If the offensive player gets it and is tackled inside the end zone, it is again a safety for the other team. Do you mean if the ball is fumbled out of the back of the end zone? In that case, it's a safety awarded to the defense.

If the ball is fumbled into the end zone but the offense recovers and is tackled, that's also a safety.

If the ball is fumbled into the end zone but the defense recovers, it's a touchdown for the defense.

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Q: When on offense if the ball is fumbled into the back of the end zone what happens?
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If a defensive player intercepts a ball at his own one yard line then fumbles out the back of his endzone is this a safety or a touchback?

If a player fumbled the ball into and out of bounds in his own endzone after making a pass interception on his 1 yard line, it is an automatic safety.The impetus is on the player who fumbled.

How many games did Barry Sanders miss in pro career?

Barry Sanders fumbled the ball 41 times in his career. He fumbled the ball 10 times in his rookie season, so nearly 25% of all of his fumbles came in his first year of playing with the Detroit Lions.

Who gets the rushing yards on an option play?

That would depend on when the ball was lateralled to the running back. If the ball was lateralled behind the line of scrimmage, the running back would be credited with all of the yards. But if the ball was lateralled past the line of scrimmage, the quarterback would be credited with the number of yards he had gained before lateralling and the running back would be credited with the rest. Example: Ball is at the offense's 30 yard line. Offense runs an option play. The quarterback gets to the 32 yard line and laterals to the running back who gets knocked out of bounds at the 45. The play gained 15 yards. Since the quarterback lateralled the ball at the 32, and the original line of scrimmage was the 30, the quarterback would be credited with 2 yards rushing and the running back would be credited with 13 yards rushing.

What is a nickel cornerback?

A Nickel Cornerback is the 3rd String Corner and the Nickel Formation and is used to cover Slot recievers. -----The nickel back is the fifth defensive back in the secondary. He usually plays on downs where the defensive believes the offense is going to pass the ball.

What defensive lineman fumbled the ball on the one yard line in the Super Bowl against Buffalo?

Leon Lett Super Bowl XXV11- Leon Lett played for the Cowboys. The Bills lost to the Cowboys 52-17

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In football if the offense has the ball on fourth down and fumbles then the defense fumbles in the exact same place where they picked up the ball and the offense gets it back whose ball is it?

As long as there was a clear change of possession to the defense before they fumbled the ball back to the offense, then the offense would keep the ball and get a new set of downs. If the defense fumbled the ball back to the offense without ever establishing possession, then the ball would go over to the defense on downs. The only way the offense could retain possession in this case is if the ball ended up beyond the first-down marker when the offense finally recovered.

If fumbled within 5yd line can any offensive player recover the fumble NFL?

Yes. The only rule restricting who may recover a fumble occurs in the final two minutes of a half. This rule states if the ball is fumbled forward in the last two minutes of a half, if the player that fumbled the ball is not the player that recovers the ball, then the ball goes back to the point where it was fumbled. If the player that fumbled is also the player that recovers, the ball is spotted where the recovery was made. In other words, let's say there are less than two minutes left in a half and a player is on the 5 yard line and fumbles the ball forward into the end zone. If the player that fumbled the ball also recovers the ball, the play is ruled a touchdown. If any other offensive player recovers the ball, it is not a touchdown and the ball is brought back to the 5 yard line and the offense keeps possession. If a defensive player recovers the ball, it is ruled a touchback.

If the ball is fumbled and rolls past the first down marker is it a first down?

A fumble is down when the recovering player is down or when the ball goes out of yes, if the ball is fumbled forward and recovered by the offense, or goes out of bounds, past the first down marker, it is a first down. The exception is on fourth down. In the NFL, only the player who fumbled the ball can advance it on fourth down.

In Canadian Football If the ball is fumbled by the offense into the endzone who can recover it for a touchdown?

It depends which endzone. If it's their own endzone, the defense can recover it for a touchdown. If it's the defense's endzone, the offense can recover it for a touchdown.

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The Colts fumbled the opening kickoff of the second half and the Cowboys recovered. The Cowboys drove to the Colts 1 yard line when running back Duane Thomas fumbled the ball and the Colts recovered.

A fumbled ball is when the ball is?

A fumbled ball is when a player loses possession of the ball while attempting to maintain control, usually due to mishandling or a defensive player disrupting the play.

In football the ball is dead when?

A ball is considered dead when it goes out of bounds or is fumbled.

Is a reception in the end zone followed by a dead ball fumble still a touch down?

First, there's no such thing as a "dead ball fumble." A ball must be live in order to be fumbled. Also, once a ball is possessed by the offense in the end zone, the play is over and there can be no fumble. If you're referring to a situation where a fumbled ball is blown dead by the referee, the only question is whether the ball was actually caught in the end zone. If it was, then a touchdown was scored which ends the play, and thus no fumble. If it was not a valid catch, then the pass was incomplete -- no fumble. The only situation where a fumble would nullify a touchdown would be if the ball was caught and then fumbled BEFORE crossing the goal line.

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it is replaced by the security with another one.

If a quarter back throws an interseption then the person who intercepted it then fumbled it out whos ball would it be?

If the interception is completed - The intercepting player has complete control over the ball and resumes movement - then proceeds to fumble the ball, then the ball is in open play until it is recovered by either the offense (the team who started with the ball) or the defense (the team who started without the ball). Once recovered, if the player remains standing he may move, but if he is on the ground and in control of an opposing team's player, the ball goes to that team on the first down.

Put fumble in a sentence?

The football player fumbled the ball, costing his team the game.