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Throw out the "soccer" and treat the injury. (It's not a soccer injury, it's an injury.) If it's a broken bone, get into the clinic and get pictures and a physician's care. Any head or eye injury demands a doctor visit, and soon. (Patients with a moderate head injury are monitored for 24 hours to make sure they don't develop a bleed.) If it's a dislocation, or a tear in a muscle or ligament, same thing. Don't guess at this stuff. See a doctor. If it's a sprain or pull, treat it with something cold (if within the first couple of hours) to reduce swelling. (Late application of cold does little to stop swelling - it's already happened.) Immobilize the injured part to a degree and avoid using it as much as possible to promote healing. Clean and dress cuts or scrapes as required. Take appropriate OTC medication to treat symptoms. If you are uncertain as to what works, ask your pharmacy tech. They live for moments like that. The web is full of good medical advice. Start searching it out and reading. Then come back here and post answers for others.

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Q: How do you manage a soccer injury?
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Never, this is not a manly sport

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he is not if its not a bad injury. he is if its bad.

What are the current trends in soccer?

A current trend in soccer is injury prevention. The biggest news in international soccer as of 2014 is the FIFA World Cup, which is being held in Brazil.

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You dont people like you ruin the beautiful game

What are the current trends happening in soccer?

A current trend in soccer is injury prevention. The biggest news in international soccer as of 2014 is the FIFA World Cup, which is being held in Brazil.