

What injury are soccer players most like ly to get?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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blood in legs

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Q: What injury are soccer players most like ly to get?
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Can families sue soccer associations if their child is injured by a soccer goal?

Most soccer associations make players sign forms and the forms usually have an injury section talking about what you can do

Who is one of the most common soccer players?

David Beckham and Mia ham are the most known soccer players

Do soccer players get calluses?

yes, most soccer players do get calluses. Its from the friction occurring in the cleat

How many soccer players are Muslims?

There are probably millions of Muslim soccer players. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world (by population), and is played in most (if not all) Islamic nations.

How musch does a soccer player get paid a year?

It actually depends on who your playing for how good your team is and all that halabiloo but, soccer players are the most paid sport players so if you want to be a soccer player like moi, GOOD CHOICE! :)

Where are players on the field in soccer?

11 on most

How do soccer players die on the field?

Most players die from a sudden heart attack like Cameron player Marc-Vivien Foe in 2003

Who is more tougher soccer players or football players?

Football players are undoubtedly tougher than soccer players. Football players tackle each other every game, slam into each other, pile on top of each other, and is the sport most prone to injuries and concussions. Soccer players are tough for running endurance, but football players run hundreds of yards a game, just not as much as a soccer player. In all, football players are tougher than soccer players. Soccer is tougher because you don't wear protection from head to toe like in football. Where in soccer you tackle,kick,shoot and all that stuff without protection.

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Is there any injuries involved in soccer?

No - despite soccer players' penchant for falling about on the ground, pretending to be injured, no one has ever sustained any injury in any game of soccer anywhere on the planet. Except that one time. But most of the time, those prima donnas are just faking it.

Who is more skilful soccer players or AFL players?

Soccer has clearly way more skillful players then AFL. Soccer is the most popular and the best game ever invented. To all the fans of AFL who think AFL is better than soccer just stick to the facts and you will find out which is better. For instance soccer is the most played sport and is also the most watched sport on the Earth.

What is the required bmi for futsal players?

There is no BMI requirement for futsal. However, futsal is a fast sport requiring speed and agility, and most futsal players are built much like soccer players are.