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you can take the Venturi (star looking piece) out of the bolt with low profile needle nose pliers check if you have a rear cocking bolt check this is a very cheap way to make a ACS bolt the bolts shown are Spyder

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15y ago
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13y ago

well first off is it a chop or a break? if its a chop its probably that your feeding balls to fast and if its a break its probably your bolt or eyes ( if your paintball gun has eyes)

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13y ago

you really can't......unless you get a better gun :)

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Q: How do you make your paintball gun stop chopping balls?
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NPPL mode is the paintball electric board setting which is allowed in NPPL tournaments. It is semi automatic (non ramping or full auto) which is capped (restricted) to 15 balls per second. This means that even if you are pulling the trigger 20 times a second, only 15 balls will shoot.

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If you believe these are cool, believe again Brawler,"Burst Balls" are fake Bakugan and should not be bothered with so that the idiotic people who make them stop.

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To initially stop having "blue balls", you have to ejaculate but if you don't your balls will pressure up and cause pain.. Once you mature or have gotten blue balls a couple of times it will start to stop. If your looking for a cure to blue balls try either sleeping it off or jacking off.

How can one stop it?

By licking my balls

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Try masturbation. If you masturbate plenty and it still hurts, see a doctor. Be sure about it!

Will a life jacket protect from paintballs?

Yes and no. Yes, it will stop you from feeling any hits, however it is widely regarded as "Cheating" and is illegal at most fields because it causes balls to bounce and not break. The other concern is Heat stroke/exhaustion, as the vest will trap heat and doesn't breath well. Once you have been hit by a paintball you will notice protection is unnecessary as a paintball only hurts for a slight second. That being said, always wear a mask! Paintball truly requires no other gear to play.