Some how get the bottom off of the crate and super glue some netting around the bottom of it. Then some how mount it somewhere out side and it should be good.
Only if they make it. If they make it; it counts as a field goal attempt and a field goal make. If it is missed, it does not count as a missed field goal.
Theres no field goal in basketball.
Basketball goal kobe bryant basketball
i read about it in the complete idiots guide to basketball the first basketball goal was made out of a peach basket,pole and a soccer ball - alex
A basket, is when they make a 'goal'. The hoop is what the ball goes through.
A field goal is the number of shots you make out of the number of shots you take
goal? as in hoop? To stand straight and 10" tall, and be round so the ball can go in it.
Basketball goal Kobe Bryant basketball
hoop not goal
Practicing basketball, no matter what the goal is made of, will likely make you better.There may be little or even negative benefit to playing with a non-regulation goal or ball (for example, a goal that's two feet shorter than regulation, or a ball that's 50% of standard weight, will train you to underestimate the amount of force you need to jump/shoot with to make a goal), but the material the goal is made of is almost entirely irrelevant.
in basketball it is illegal to goal tend.
That question makes NO sense