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Well there is a lot of ways to do it... Some of the stats you might get can be: Kills, Errors on Kills and the total of attempts. Service Ace and Service Error. Digs and Receive Error (optional to do serve receive) Block Assist, Block Solo and Block Error. Ball Handle Error. Thats all i know of... =]

If you were looking for SPECIFIC ways to keep stats, this is what you need for keeping "kill" stats. A kill being any overhand play that results in a point for your team - a tip, spike, etc. Could be on the first, second or (most likely) the third hit. Keep track of each kill, kill attempts, and kill errors. Kill errors are when the opponent receives a point for an eror in an attempted kill such as: hit goes into net, goes out of bounds, is blocked, hitter touches net (nad ref calls it). Any attempt includes actual kills, the errors, AND attempted the kills that the opponent was able to dig and then play. To get the player's kill % == (Kills - errors)/total attacks

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