if u are playing in a real league, and a real game, u have a score board and scorekeeper. every time it lands on ur side of the court and its in, its a point for the other team. if it goes out on ur side, its a point for ur team. u go point by point and each score is 1 point.
It is how to score a goal, in volleyball u have to keep it in the air and if the ball lands on the floor the side it landed on the opponent
keep the ball up time them out and look for a gap
about 2 points I think you can score more though . :D i heart volleyball
No, you can only score on your serve. If you are referring to volleyball.
A lineup sheet is where the coach writes down the numbers of the starting players. The coach hands the lineup sheet to the skorekeeper and they will record it on the score sheet.
St. Luke's Wildcats
When the ball touches the ground.
The team that is winning.
it is simply the ending score
from the computers tecnology