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You score by having the closest stone to the center of the scoring area (the "house") at the end of each round ("end"). You score a point for every stone that is closer to the center than your opponent's closest. So, the maximum number of points you can score in one end is 8, if all of your rocks are inside or touching the house, and your opponent doesn't have any rocks closer than any of yours. A typical score is 1 to 3 points. 4 or more is considered a "big end."

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βˆ™ 8y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

A curling game consists of either 8 or 10 ends and is played by two teams of four...

After each end is finished - both teams have delivered their eight rocks (for a total of 16) the score is counted. The team with the most rocks closet to the centre of the rings (house) scores the respective amount of points. Only one team can score per end. If there are no stones in the house then neither team scores and the end is considered blank.

For example:

1) If yellow has one rock in the house and red has none then yellow will score one point.

2) If yellow has two rocks in the house and red has three rocks in play, but none in the house, then yellow will score two points.

3) If yellow has one rock in the house and red has three, but yellow's rock is closer to the centre then yellow scores one point.

4) If yellow has three stones in the house and red has two, but two of yellow's stones are closest to the centre, then one of red's, then the third stone of yellow's, with red's second stone being farthest from the centre - yellow will only score two points.

Once the score is decided upon by the two thirds the next end can start.

There are two types of scoreboards: 1) a "Baseball-Style" scoreboard, and 2) the traditional scoreboard.

The baseball scoreboard is the easier of the two for non-curlers to understand. The ends are the columns and the team's name are the rows, making a chart. If yellow scores two in the first end a 2 is placed in the square corresponding with end one and team yellow, a zero will be placed in the square corresponding with team red and end one. Then say red scores one in the second end - a 1 will be placed in the square corresponding to end 2 and team red, a zero will be placed in the square corresponding with team yellow and end two. This continues until the game is over. At the far right hand side of the scoreboard is a column titled "total", which as the name suggests show the total amount of points each team has.

The traditional scoreboard is a little more complicated. It has three rows and no columns. The top and bottom rows will have either the names of the teams or the colour of stones. The middle row has the numbers 1-12 (or 1-15, or some other versions depending on the rink but 1-12 is pretty much the standard). There are cards with the ends numbered on them. So let's say yellow scores two in the first end - then the card with end one will be placed above (assume yellow is on the top row and red is on the bottom) the number two in the middle row. Then red scores one in the second end - so the card with the number two is placed under the one. In the third end yellow scores another two - the card with the three is placed above the 4 because 2+2=4. In the fourth end red scores three so the card with the four is placed under the 4 because 1+3=4. Now the game is tied. This scoreboard keeps a running tally of the points (remember the numbers in the middle row represent the points and the numbers on the cards represent the ends).

Hope this helps :)

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βˆ™ 11y ago

In curling, the score is taken when each "end" (round) is completed (all 16 stones have been thrown). Whichever team has a stone closest to the center of the "house" (the scoring area that looks like a target) scores. The number of points they score is determined by how many stones they have that are closer than the opponent's closest. So for example: red may have all 8 of their rocks around the outside edge of the house, but if yellow has two rocks that are in the center of the house, closer than any of the red rocks, then yellow scores two.

If there are no rocks in the house when an end is completed, then neither team scores, and that end is called a "blank end."

The scoring also determines which team has the "hammer" (the advantage of shooting the last rock in the end). Whichever team scores gives up the hammer to the other team for the next end (the hammer for the first end is decided by a coin flip, usually). In the event of a blank end, whichever team currently has the hammer keeps it for the next end.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

By hitting your big toe when you throw the granite stone.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

you get the most rocks possible closest to the button in the house

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βˆ™ 15y ago

you need to speed up a lot and try to curve more when you go around the poles

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βˆ™ 15y ago

by seeing how many stones are in the circle before the opponents closest stone.

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This is called "blanking the end." In curling, whichever team scores gives the "hammer" (the advantage of having the last shot) to the other team for the next end. If no one scores ("blank end"), the team that has the hammer keeps it for the next end. If the team with the hammer has a choice of whether to score 1 point and give up the hammer, or blank the end and keep the hammer, they will usually purposely blank the end, carry the hammer to the next end, and to try to score more than one point in the next end.

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