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To train for the NBA draft, you have to work on stamina, strength, skill, and movement ability. The NBA scouts and teams look at everything- how well can you jump, how well can you score a basket, how good does he shoot threes, etc. You will have to work very hard all day and hope you are good enough.

There is only one way to get into the NBA, HARD WORK!

You really cant, You have to be really really really really good and you have to be either a high school or College Basketball star. Only 1 in every 10,00 Basketball players go to the NBA. The chancesfor average players are close to none.

You cant get into the NBA unless you are a star college or high school basketball player. Out of nearly 3 million high school and college basketball players in this country, 60 go to the NBA draft each year, and they are the elite top 1 percent basketball players in the world. Basically your chances at the the NBA are ZIP ZILCH NADA.

Yes it is hard to get to the NBA, but with hard work and consistancy on all you do, it will give you a good chance to get their, and I also think that getting to the NBA is not ZIP ZILCH NADA if you want to get their and you want it that much and you practice and work hard CHANCES are you WILL get to the NBA. Don't be discouraged by the number of people that actually get to the NBA.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

To enter the draft you must fill out the necessary paper work before the deadline, now in May. Then you must be drafted during the NBA's draft.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

they come to your collage school and/or your high school and if u get noticed you will get drafted into the NBA

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βˆ™ 12y ago

enter the draft

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