I am very familiar with ISA, ASA, and College Softball rules and I have NEVER heard of a balk being called in softball, the main reason for this is runners cannot leave the base until the delivery of the pitch, so their is no "checking on the runner" or "throw overs" or "pick offs" like there is in Baseball. Now Softball does have "Illegal pitches" and this is a very easy call to make ---
Illegal Pitches:
- dropping the ball in your back windup
- separating the hands
- not being in contact with the rubber and accepting signals
- crow hopping or lifting your drag foot
---- these will be indicated by the umpire shouting "ILLEGAL" -- from there the batter will make the decision to swing if they want.. after play the coach gets to decide if they want the result of the play or take the penalty -- add a ball to the count and runners move up a base
The balk balk tribe
Do not balk or we will miss seeing the movie.
Hermann Balk died in 1239.
Wesley Balk died in 2003.
Christianne Balk was born in 1953.
Wesley Balk was born in 1932.
The horse will balk at jumping over that fence.She will balk at going, but you can talk her into it. You may balk at first, but you'll enjoy yourself if you come along.
The pitcher had 1 balk this game.
an animal with no balk bone is caled an invertabrate
It can't ... a balk can only be committed by a pitcher.
Alfred Balk was born on July 24, 1930.
Alfred Balk was born on July 24, 1930.