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There are three items of business. Money, money, and money. You'll need to join a professional league. The league will have to be approached and you will have to be voted in and pay a membership/sign-up fee. A really big one. You'll need a place to play, both a home field and the community support to construct it or renovate an existing one. That's going to take a lot of money. Much of it from the community, but a lot from you, too. The publicity, and the effort to lobby every concerned politico will be expensive on its own. And the community will have to have some serious guarantees from you (which translates into dollar liability). If you don't have a lot of cash, you won't get the support and backing of the local area. You'll need money to buy players who have the skills to compete in the professional league. And this will cost you a staggering sum. The cost to do all this might easily exceed what it would cost to simply buy an existing team.

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Q: How do you form a professional football club or soccer team?
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Is there any soccer teams or clubs or any form of soccer being played that I a 15 year old boy can join?

You can join any form of Amatuer Football. However, you can't join a professional club or be payed for playing yet until you are 16

Why is the soccer ball important to your culture?

Soccer or 'Association Football' is important to English culture because this form of football is English devised by the 'Football Association' in London 1863. The rulers or 'laws of the game' were written by FA founder Ebenezer Cobb Morley who was also Captain of the Barnes Football Club who played in the first ever soccer game against Richmond Football club in the same year. Since then soccer has taken over the more traditional Cricket in becoming the National game.

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Because the game was invented here, a long time before American "Football". Question really ought to be, why do you call football "soccer". Grrr! ---- Soccer is an English coloquial version of the phrase 'Association Football' .The game is called Football NOT Soccer. The word 'Soccer' was used to describe on particular form of league of football.

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FIFA in English stands for the Federation International Football Association, the governing body of soccer/football, futsal and beach soccer.

Why people call soccer as football in kerala?

Football is the common name given to whatever form of football is most popular in that country, including Association Football (soccer), Rugby, American Football (NFL), and so on. It so happens that soccer is the football game most popular in Kerala and in many other countries.

Full form F C?

football club

What is the full form of fcb?

Futbol Club Barcelona.

What is the word origin of soccer?

It's from the word 'association' as in 'football association.'It originated in England with Association Football.

What country was soccer made in?

Soccer, or Association Football, was first codified by Ebenezer C. Morley in 1863, in England. The earliest known form of soccer, called cuju, was played in ancient China in the fourth century B.C.E., possibly as a military exercise. Various cultures, some even more ancient, have played ball games involving the feet for centuries.

How did soccer become a professional sport?

publicity, money, the fact its fun, interesting and gthe fact its called football instead of ricking soccer its a british sport, shouldn't you start calling it the same name as thwe people who invented it, and isn't football a more logical name for where you kick a ball with your foot, what does American 'football' have to do with football anyway, shoudlnt we be calling that soccer instead of American football?

Soccer games and football games how are they the same?

Soccer is a form of football, and in many ways it is the original form. Modern American football developed from another form of the game, called Rugby after the English school where its rules were codified. Beyond using a leather ball, having eleven players to a side and being played on a lined, grassy field, all that soccer and American football now have in common is some terminology, such as "tackle," "off-side," "kick-off" and "full back."

How is soccer different than football?

It is the same game you see.There is no difference in any way shape or form. the only difference is in the name, soccer being the American name and football being the English name