You add air to it by using a pump. Or if it has a hole in it, stitch u the hole or by a new ball.
A trick to taking out the wrinkles from a soccer ball that has not been inflated for a while is to let some air out of the ball. Then, air the ball up again while heating the ball with a hair dryer.
Well It's Just A Spray That Fixes Flat Things Like Tires Or Soccer balls Or Stuff Like That .
It isn't called soccer ball because the soccer ball is the ball you use in soccer. See? I have actually heard people call it soccer and soccer ball.
soccer ball, just did it
Well It's Just A Spray That Fixes Flat Things Like Tires Or Soccer balls Or Stuff Like That .
Women's soccer is in a different league to the men's soccer. Women use a soccer ball that is the same size as the men's soccer ball.
a Soccer ball
A supporter soccer ball is your mom
Soccer ball
Some creative and fun soccer ball crafts that can be made at home include painting a soccer ball design on a plain ball, creating a soccer ball keychain using beads or clay, making a soccer ball piata, or crafting a soccer ball-themed photo frame.
There are squares on a soccer ball net
That would depend on the velocity of the soccer ball not at rest.