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Dragflicking is a very precise skill once mastered, and requires many hours of practise and coaching to get right. You may be able to pick up the technique from watching others do it, but describing all of its small variations in style here would take far too long. Basically, you run up from 5 or 6 steps behind the ball to get some momentum, collect it somewhere on the flat of your stick, and drive it forward, flicking when you reach the end of your stride.

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Q: How do you dragflick?
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Which travels fastest to the goal on ice a hockey puck or a hockey ball?

The average player can hit a ball to anywhere between 80 and 100 km/h, and flick to between 60 and 80lm/h. Most internationals can hit much faster than that (~110- 120km/h), and some dragflick faster e.g. Taeke Taekema can dragflick at about 120-125km/h on a good day.

How do you do a dragflick penalty corner?

Go on youtube and watch this video on Jeremy Hayward and his technique. May help. Maybe also look at Chris Ciriello's technique. It is whatever works for you though

Should field hockey goalies be fierce and aggressive when attempting to save a goal?

Aggression, strength, instinct, and a fair bit of bravery are the best ways to prevent a player from being able to make a shot at goal. This can be done by charging the player in order to cut down the shooting angle, or slidetackling by taking a ball out before it can be shot. But sometimes patience and calm are the better choice. If a ball is bouncing it is better to wait until it comes to a point where the goalie is ready to clear it in a controlled manner. If a player is dribbling, it is better to wait and see if they will pass or shoot before committing yourself to a save that you cannot recover quickly from. Sometimes there is no choice: for example, a dragflick can be launched at the goal barely a second after the injection is begun at a PC. In this case the goalie must be ready as soon as possible (a dragflick can reach speeds of 120kmh and more) then trust in their coordination, reflexes, training and ability in order to save the shot.

Why is the bow of a field hockey stick restricted to 25mm?

Sticks were originally made of two parts spliced together (the head and the shaft) - the angle of the splice determined the bow, and was usually around 20mm. When composite sticks were introduced, manufacturers began experimenting with different bow sizes and they soon got out of control. One sideeffect of these extreme bows was an increase in the speed of a dragflick; the movement became more of a slingshot action than a flick. The FIH quickly restricted the bow to 50mm, but even then it was found to be excessive. The regulation was then dropped to 25mm and has remained there since.

What are the differences of girls hockey teams and boys?

The obvious difference is that girls/women play on a girls'/women's team, and boys/men play on a boys'/men's team. Other differences are mainly in the style and pace of play; girls'/women's tend to be a little slower and less intense, and also lack some of the more aggressive play and variance of technique that is typical of a male's game. More simply, girls don't use as many tricks (e.g. the use of the dragflick is less common) and don't play as hard (because men are naturally more aggressive and assertive).

What shot do you use for a penalty stroke?

The rulebook explicitly disallow a shot that uses "a 'dragging' action to play the ball"; it also states that the ball must be pushed, flicked or scooped. This means that a dragflick cannot be used. Umpires can distinguish this from a normal flick by the position of the feet: a dragflick requires the feet to be ahead of the ball. The rules include a stipulation that the player taking the stroke must begin behind the ball and this makes it even easier to pick up. This means that for a legal stroke-taking, you have to push, flick or scoop the ball. * A push involves the action of placing the stickhead next to the ball, and as the name inplies, pushing it along the ground. It is the simplest shot to do, and often works extremely well if an accurate push is used (aim for the weak spots; the bottom corners, right next to the posts) * A flick is simply a push that is also raised above the ground. This is accomplished by simply angling the stick back slightly as the push is made. It is somewhat more difficult to aim, as there are now dimensions that the ball is moved through; up-down, left-right. However, it offers far more opportunity to score, if used well. Good points to aim for are the aforementioned corners, but at the height of the backboard's top - this means the goalkeeper cannot simply drop to the barricade position, and allows the ball to go over any that do. You could also try aiming at the top corner; there is a decent square foot of space that the goalkeeper will find it impossible to guard without pre-empting a shot there. Additionally, anywhere just inside the posts will be effective provided the goalkeeper does not react fast enough to see it coming. * A scoop is similar in motion to using a shovel. The head is placed as per a flick, but with the player directly behind the ball instead of beside. It results in similar flight to a flick, but is harder to aim away from the line of the shot (i.e. it will go straight through or not at all). For this reason, plus the facts of its unnaturalness and that it is very slow compared to a flick, it is very rarely used. Practise when you can, with your goalkeeper if possible (it's great practise for them as well, and you can discuss what works better and what doesn't). Remember to keep calm while taking the shot - strokes are supposed to guarantee a goal, so take your time, keep it simple and just sink that ball through the net. Read through the rules concerning the stroke when you are able to - so you know what can and can't be done - and discuss them with an umpire if you aren't sure about any of it.

What are the rules for taking a penalty corner?

A short corner or penalty corner occurs in field hockey. It is awarded for a foul inside the shooting circle or for a deliberate foul within the 23-metre line. The situation is very tactical and most teams will spend a long time practicing routines to try and score. A short corner is played by having someone inject the ball from the correct line usually on the left side of the goal (looking at it) with a very forceful drag to a person on the top of the circle. The ball must pass outside of the circle before a goal can be scored. After the ball is in the right position a team might try a number of strategies including drag flicks, hard strikes, complicated passing routines and dummies to score. When defending against one only 5 players (including the goalkeeper, if present) are allowed back and must remain behind the base line until the ball is hit. The defending players will usually wear additional defensive equipment such as face masks and thicker gloves for protection depending upon the role they play. Certain rules applied during the corner are different from regular play, also. If the first shot taken during a corner is a hit, then it may only enter the goal below the height of the backboard to be a legal goal. Flicks and deflections can get around this retriction, which is why they are often-practiced skills and also why those who can dragflick well score most often during corners.

What different shots are their in field hockey?

Field Hockey:The saucer pass, passed a few inches off ice to go over opposing players' sticks.A normal, on the ground pass.Also, the flip pass where you just flip it up to other player.The dump pass, where you dump it and your teammate chases after it and attempts to get it.Ice Hockey:Backhand pass, forehand pass, saucer pass, tip pass, shot pass, drop pass, no look (or blind) pass, cross ice pass, around the boards pass, bank pass, flutter pass.

How is the type of stick important in a field hockey game?

Different positions and roles on the field require different types of sticks. Some sticks are better for lifting and hitting the ball, while others are best for stopping it. Most players use the "midi" style when developing their game. The "midi" is a good stick for most field activities. The goalie's stick, however, is bent and flattened to provide optimal surface area and stopping power.